Rolled out of bed this morning and got on my motorcycle. Just like every other morning. Brushed my teeth, let the dog out, strapped my laptop to my bike and took off. Most of my cares and thoughts are gone after ten miles, which leaves me plenty of time to pray on the way in to work. 30 miles, one way, to work. And back.
But today was unusual. Its the third Friday, thats the DISCIPLE Men's Bible Study. We get together and share some time in the word together. By 623am i was on the road, stopped for gas, and hit the freeway. At 648 i pulled up to the office, and made coffee. Everyone showed up a few minutes later, also a bag of Bojangles sausage and egg buscuits! We ate, drank coffee and listened to "I Just Know" by Disciple (you gotta check that song out!) and some other Christian hardcore. We did some work on our rags, and talked club business for a few minutes.
Finally Matt opened in prayer and we jumped into Proverbs 18. I was taught years ago that there are 31 chapters in Proverbs, same number of days in the month, so why not read a the same chapter of the date, daily? Proverbs 18:4 stuck out to Scott, "The words of a man's mouth are deep waters, but the fountains of wisdom is a bubbling brook." We talked about how there is so much more to what people are saying than the words that they say. As we read through the chapter it seemed like each of us found scriptures that spoke to us for the day.
After Bible Study was done, we hung out for another hour and listened to different Christian music, and compared bands. I learned of a new band i hadnt heard of before, and will definitly be checking out, called War of Ages. We also talked about going out to some local Christian hardcore shows. I love being in a Christian Motorcycle Club!
Overall, a great way to start the day! God is Great!
June 18, 2010 — James Johnson

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