Disciples Way Christian Coffeehouse: 90 Day Update
DWC Update: a few months back God gave me a vision to start some churches around the country. Let me give you an update.
God is good to us man, we have a free sanctuary to meet in, the utilities are paid, it’s amazing. It’s already come in useful as a clubhouse over and over, providing a place for people to stay, and a convenient place for our club meetings. For church, we meet on Sunday mornings for worship and Thursday evenings for Life Group. Our numbers aren’t high, because we have spent some time just building a core group, before we start advertising. However, as we get more dedicated leadership, we intend to turn the advertising back on. Pray that God will raise up Children’s Education leaders, so we are more prepared as kids come in.
Currently we are working to start “Saturday Concerts at Disciples Way”. The goal is to bring in a Christian metal band, rap artist, or local church youth band, and put on a free show for the 14-24 age group in the community. Currently there is nothing like this at all in the area, secular or Christian, and kids are either bored at home or our doing things they shouldn’t be. Kids will see a free show, be fed, get bags of food to take home from our food bank (there are a lot of hungry kids in this poor community), see an illustrated sermon by one of about 20 local youth groups who are rotating through, and play pool, foosball, basketball, and just hang out coffeehouse style.
If you can imagine what it would have been to grow up in a motorcycle club house, that’s what these kids will get here. Just with Christian bikers they can look up to. It’s gonna be legit.
We also are sponsoring the GRACE IN YOUR FACE concert, which will have 5 local Christian metal bands, and should draw hundreds. It’s gonna be amazing.
In Ohio, Dayton Disciples Way got started too. They had their first Life Group and were able to reach out to folks who needed the Word. They are pumped and we are pumped for them. We have identified a total of 13 DCMC cities who have requested information on starting Disciples way.
We are working on a process for ordination currently. This includes audio classes on CD, books with study guides, and an accountability program. This will be rolled out in the next few months. Please be patient, we are working as fast as we can to make it happen!
Thanks for sowing into what God is doing with Disciples Way. Every financial goal we have had so far has been met. It’s amazing. Each and every milestone we had to hit went by effortlessly. God has provided the people, the talent and the experience to make this thing awesome. Please continue praying for us, because for sure, God is on the Move!!
James Disciple Johnson
National President & Founder, Disciple Christian Motorcycle Club
Pastor, Disciples Way Christian Coffeehouse
