Disciple's Way Core Messages Volume 1 Teaching Set


Excited to announce our upcoming CD message series, "Disciples Way Core Messages Vol 1"! This series will lay out the first five messages that encapsulate Gods calling on Disciples Way, and take people from depression and addiction, through forgiveness and repentance, to salvation!  This package contains 5 CDs.
Disciples Way

Pastor James Disciple Johnson of Disciples Way in Gilbert SC
teaches the foundational messages aimed at taking people from a life
of hurt, addiction, depression and bitterness, and share the meaning
of Christian forgiveness, repentance and salvation.

Mission, Vision & Strategy for Disciples Way:
In this message Pastor James breaks down what God laid on his heart for Disciples Way.

God Loves You and Has a Plan for You: This message teaches us
find Gods Plan for us, and recognize the spiritual warfare against us.

Forgiveness & Releasing Others: Forgiveness is central to the gospel
of Jesus Christ. Learn how to release painful bitterness and anger.

Christian Repentance: What is meant by the word repentance? What changes do I have to make if any to walk a Christian Walk?

The Meaning of Salvation: IM SAVED!I But what does that mean?

What does the Bible say about salvation? What are heaven and hell?
These messages make a great study for your small group!  We hope they are a blessing to you on your spiritual journey!