This is a Motorcycle Club
This is a Motorcycle Club.
This is not just a brotherhood, its a corporation too. You have to sign a dotted line. You don't take your place, you earn it, by bringing something to the table. Under no circumstances will you just be patched right up, and if it takes a year, then so be it. We are not excited that you are here, we are cautiously optimistic that you will learn club ways, and will not get yourself shot by your local 1%er, and bring a bad cloud over the ministry.
We expect you to demonstrate over a period of time that you understand brotherhood, and that your opinion may be subject to your brothers. We expect maturity, not just cutting off your patch and going to some other club because you're offended at a brother. That's weakness, and we will weed you out rather than patch you up, out of respect for the real brothers.
We expect you to reach out to the 1%, and all bikers, to reach out to your brother's, to know them, across the country. You are not here to wear a patch and look cool, you are here to forward the unique ministry that God has given us, to be under the mission. Submission. And if you do, people will get saved, lives will be changed, and you will enter a place that many have prospected for, and failed.
You will earn the name DISCIPLE! Give it time, and enjoy the journey. We are building something REAL and LASTING. It will be neither easy or quick, nor will it always be fun.
There will be trials, but there will be rewards.
James Johnson
Disciple Christian Motorcycle Club