Tithing is a wisdom principal commonly accepted practice in the Christian Church. A wisdom principle is something clearly laid out throughout the entire scripture. Tithe means tenth. Literally tithing means giving 10 percent of your income to God. Tithes are first found 600 years before the Mosaic law was given. In Genesis 14 Abraham tithes 10 percent of all he has to Melchizedek (a foreshadowing...
Giving at the Next Level
For years I've been pushing you men to the next level in your spiritual walk. Sometimes dragging you kicking, screaming and arguing with me lol. I've taught you the value of a daily word and prayer time, and youve seen to pay off in your life.
I've been called names, accused of being judgmental, or a cult leader for convincing you to break addictions in your life, but when you have, youve seen the...
Should Pastors Be Paid a Salary?
"Should pastors be paid a salary?"
A church should definitely provide for the financial needs of its pastor(s) and any other full-time ministers.
First Corinthians 9:14 gives the church clear instruction: “The Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel should receive their living from the gospel.” We pay people to prepare and serve our physical food; shouldn't we also be willing to pay...
The Shoes God Has Given You to Walk In
Romans 1:20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.
2 Corinthians 4:16-18 Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day. For momentary, light affliction is producing for...
Vision 2015 Sowing Seeds
Vision 2015: The Mother Charter is remodeling a church to use as DCMC’s home, bunkhouse for runs, and weekly Disciples Way Christian Coffehouse services. As well, we are already in the process of launching these in several more cities this year. This project includes thousands of dollars worth of paint, carpet, ceiling repairs, bunks, and more.
This first series of projects is one that I want all...
Leadership: Dispensing Correction
Leadership: Dispensing Correction. A great question can be raised, how do you handle when you know people are out of line.
The first answer is always to pray for that person out of love. God may reveal to that person how they need to change. I remember a young lady who is working on my youth ministry team who had an issue with how she dressed, showing an awful lot of cleavage every Sunday. I...
Fasting for the Family
Fasting for the Family
Marriages and families are under attack in the club. No wonder, the marriage is the key building block of the church. Without our families believing in our ministry there is no ministry. If we aren't men of God at home we can't go out pretending to be men of God. So after a suggestion from my wife, and prayer about what the ground rules are, to combat this oppression we are...
Disciples Way Christian Coffehouse
We are about to be hit with significant growth across the countryand the globe. God is speakin to me that to be prepared for this, our discipling of men needs to become more focused and purposeful, and that our support of men in 1% clubs needs not only to be entering into their environment where the evil spirits rule, but also bringing them into a safe and friendly environment full of the Holy...
Words of Correction
I want to talk to you guys for a moment about discipline within the club. If you had any idea how much flak we take, how many people insult us, how many people disagree with everything we do, how many people whine complain fight and argue when they're corrected, you'd probably give your national leadership a lot less trouble.
Please, give us less trouble. Heb 13:17 Obey your leaders and submit to...
Deny Yourself, Follow Christ
Luke 9:23 And He was saying to them all, "If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me.
Do you deny yourself daily to follow Christ? Two of the Four Legs (see link below) are about denial of self, fasting and sowing.
Giving money is denying yourself the right to spend it. The devil sure as heck doesn't want you giving money to churches, men of...
Be a Disciple, Not Just a Charter
We give charters their names so they can identify themselves, not separate themselves. My charter isn't better than yours. My charter doesnt have a tighter brotherhood than all the other charters. All the other charters or brothers arent somehow inferior to my charters brothers.
We are all Disciples. God's anointing of brotherhood is on the club, not a single charter. All the charters are close,...