Leadership: Being the Spiritual Supreme Wolfpack Alpha Male
Leadership: Being the Spiritual Supreme Wolfpack Alpha Male
In manhood and bikerdom we think of a leader as a supreme wolfpack alpha male. The guy who is big, strong, proud, physically intimidating, ready to fight for his position and crush all opposition. This man may be the physical specimen of his profession, long beard, chains, spikes, leather, tattoos. He will be skilled at leadership because...
Isaiah 49
Do you enjoy Fasting as a regular discipline in your life? It's amazing how something so small as sacrificing a meal can seem so brutal, considering the one who sacrificed His own precious blood for us at the brutal hands of the Roman legion.
If fasting seems tough, consider this. Fasting is my cross to bear the rest of my life, everyday, 8am-4pm. If you see me put food in my mouth during those...
Its time to start operating the deep stuff in the Word, not just the basic stuff. Heb 6:1 Therefore let us move beyond the elementary teachings about Christ and be taken forward to...
Prospects Perspective of the Midwest Gathering
I want to take a minute to talk on the Midwest Gathering this past weekend.
It started as a few of getting together with our Ma and inviting folks from the neighboring states to come and fellowship for a day or two and grew into something I never thought imaginable.
I have loved DCMC from the day I found out what it was and watched it grow into a burgeoning group of men with a passion for Christ in...
Men of God Give
Men of God Give
Disclaimer: Im not asking you to give to me. But the Bible does ask you to give to your church, your pastor, the needy, your local food bank.
Acts 20: 35 We must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ”
There are whole chapters of the Bible are dedicated to giving like 2 Corinthians 8 and 9. A well known except...
Men of God Working Out
Why am I always after the men of disciple to be working out? Is it because I personally think its a good idea? Is it because I want disciples to be big strong muscular men who grab the attention and respect of other motorcycle club members? These things may sound good, but they're not anything to do with the reason I'm asking you to work out.
The reason I work out, and the reason I am exhorting...
Quit Wasting Time on Worldly Music
Worship is important to God. If you read any description of Heaven out of the book of Revelations, it describes constant worship going on around the throne. It is during worship that we become close to God, that our spirit communes with His Spirit. It's a vital part of centering ourselves. Really.
As a musician who's written and recorded a lot of music, I feel successful when I can make you feel...
Pray For Your Leaders
Everyone keeps asking how they can pray for me. I've always said I've run out of things to pray for because I've received them all. So in the spirit of 1 Chronicles 4:10, I'm enlarging my borders. If you want to pray with me, here is what you can pray.
1. An epically strong marriage.
2. Family. Defined as people in our lives enough such that we could be without the kids for a week or something....
Listen up, Supporters, Prospects and Hangarounds: This is a public service announcement from your National Vice President. When you are making calls to full patch members here are some great things to keep in mind.
1) We don't have your number. It is helpful to send a text before you call with your Name, Rank, and State, asking when a good time to call would be.
2) If you reach our voicemail, Leave...
The Man Makes the Patch
The man makes the patch, the patch doesn't make the man. I don't talk to a prospect any differently than I talk to a full patch.
If you are a supporter, hangaround or Prospect you are still here to Disciple men. You still need to stand up if you see bad behavior or conversation from Disciples.
I remember at the first USA run shortly after we changes the bylaws to disallow smoking in the cut, I...
Sewing Nets Together
This year we must spend as much time reaching out to Christian ministries as much as we do the secular clubs. We must be calling them and building the brotherhood with them just like we do with our own guys.
As we work to expose hidden sin in our lives and drop DEPTH CHARGES on them, God has exposed a real fault in me, and that I have allowed in Disciple. We have at times spoken against and held...
Are You Complimenting People?
Watch "Complimenting Strangers" (copy that into your browser)
Ok, so cheesy video, but how much time do you spend complimenting people? I find as a leader and a minister much of my time is spent figuring out how to build people up. The Bible calls it speaking life in Proverbs 18. You literally have the ability to speak life, speak Holy Spirit given words into people...